Saturday, December 10, 2011


1. try to make Dorayaki at home~ ^^ (cant wait!!)
2. go short trip wid coursemates~ (Malacca! im coming again~ hehee)
3. decide whether let the hair grow longer o cut it~
4. do FYP during sem break~ (as much as possible mm goii .. = =) @(ᵕ.ᵕ)@

5. ...

mari mari~~ ^^

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Thursday, November 24, 2011


该写些什么呢?~ hmm..
活在大学的生活里.. 我们算不算是 experience 着 FLOW 呢?~ o_O
一眨眼.. (老套话.. = = )
y1 s1 .. 已经变成 现在的 y3s2 了..
是难过? 还是 开心?
要考取很好的成绩.. 我没办到.. T_T
要交到很多朋友.. 嗯.. 有啊.. 可是.. 我到底是属于哪里的呢? 我.. 完全就是一个真人版的Floater.
真心的朋友.. 到底有几个?..
想说.. 要享受大学生活.. 可是.. 自己却让 压力 陪伴了全程..
结果? 两败俱伤。

当时.. 带着兴奋+ 担心 地来到这里..
现在.. 带着有点的兴奋 + 恐惧.. 准备着自己.. 要如何面对将来临的未来?
现在.. 还可以慢条斯理地 .. 毫无顾忌地度日~
但是.. 毕业过后呢??
我很害怕自己会 handle 不了很多事情..

看到朋友.. 一个两个.. 都会无端端发脾气..
这点小事.. 都不能忍.. 以后在社会上.. 能不忍么?
有些人.. 为什么可以跟不熟的同事 什么都不计较, 但却要和一起玩乐的朋友计较?
有些人.. 为什么 可以对家人 不仁不义, 可是 却可以对朋友上刀山、 下油锅?
难道.. 这就是所谓的 不熟不吃?
这种小孩子脾气.. 没人可以帮得上忙..
都几岁了.. 不能成熟一点吗?

虽然说.. 活在现在是最重要的..
可是.. 我还是 prefer 未雨绸缪~
什么都先想好.. 先 plan 好..
到时候... 就不必那么慌乱了.. 不是吗?

其实.. 我想说的是什么.. 有人懂吗?

很多事情.. 我还是不敢去面对..

什么时候.. ..


Friday, October 28, 2011

u dunno i don lyk to be in a rush..?
rushing made me feel uncomfortable..
rushin made me cant breath..
and it made me feel like an unwanted thg..

i jealous of ur games.. i jealous of ur sport..
not tat i wan to band u from playin..
not tat i wanna be a controllin person..
i juz don see how u will so energetic too when i asked u to acc me to jog o sth..
those thgs can wake u from a totally exhausted sleep..
those thgs can make u ignore the fact tat u need to sleep..
those thgs can make u from tired into energetic state..
but i oni see u complainin u cant walk / tired..
i noe u drive till tired.. but i nv a person who like to shop like normal gal..
i juz wanna walk walk..
is tat too over?

Monday, October 24, 2011


Back to kampar's Life~ ^^

hmm.. tis is a nice bag tat i saw when gai gai wid my sis..
feel like bringin it home..
but then..
it will b an extra bag in my cupboard den.. @@
n it is not cheap lo.. ==

bought tis lil pouch home from Daiso~ hehe <3
first time bought things wid Philee~ hoho
we will sou gai alot if v go again nx time i think.. haha~
miss her now~ >?<

tadaaaa~!! my new baby in my home!
heard my mom said tat she sibeh cute now ad..
but still duno how to crawl ... yet..
she likes to play rough one..
n den she will laugh silly-ly~ lolx~
she very cute yi xia la~ ^^

yummy biscuit tat i love~ hoho <3

the sun LIGHT from the sky~
so nice~
but i duno how to capture this type geh photo one.. lolx
duno whether u can see it mao.. hehe
the internet line was so dam tis slow.. lolx
let me show u..
i haf to wait for 10hrs in order to dld one chap slides!! siao!!

my baobei tat acc me sleep~ hoho
view from my room~
got lake view one...... but far far away la.. ==
my lovely room~ hoho~
stupid speder eating the flying bug.. eww..
i hate spider!!
n i duno how they slip into my room!!!
one big one on top of my bed thr de ceiling ar!!


hmm.......... OVERALL~
i m happie here ~ ^^
busy days is starting soon~
(shld say ad started bah?)
gah yao la!!
to hit my own goal!! hehe ^^v

Thursday, October 6, 2011


更高的 。。 我读不起。。
也许。。 这是唯一我能够得到平静的方法。。
没钱。。 就什么都万万不能!
只要没钱。。 什么都能够拿来吵!
离开这里。。 只是暂时听不到那些吵闹的声音罢了。。
说到底。。 什么问题都其实还在。。

学姐说。。 我还年轻。。 迟点 我就会明白和看得开。。
一本书告诉我。。 用爱 来 overcome 恨。
家里的问题。。 不是在于一个人的身上。。
而是在于 沟通的方面。。 处理得不好。
“ 好好地沟通、 好好地交谈、好好地讨论。。。”
这一切。。 难得难得。。
虽说可以讨论。。 但往往。。 事实不会是如此。

你知不知道。。 妳的偏心。。 我全都看到。。
越想忽略。。 越在意。。
只要妳, 一天不乱喊乱叫。。

妳说。。 这次回来。。
妳,是否有想过。。 为什么会这样吗?
妳是发觉了。。 但, 妳又做了些什么吗?
也许 是我自己期望太多了。。
只想要大家能和睦共处,相亲相爱, 和和气气、 能够了解体谅大家。

总的来说。。 还是得管好自己+ 做好自己先。 =/

Monday, September 19, 2011


三个月的实习。。 就酱。。 完了~
但是庆幸的是。。 我还可以回去见见我的孩子们~
他们可是最天真.. 最真实的一群孩子~
去到那里.. 不必有防备心.. 因为他们不像得正常人般阴险..
猜测他们的时候.. 是因为他们不懂得表达出来.. 无法说话..
他们无法了解.. 我们认为最简单、最基本的常识~
虽然... 他们有时真的很调皮.. 很不听话..
但是.. 当他们乖乖地做东西的时候.. 真的很令人疼爱!
得明白.. 要他们学东西.. 是件多莫痛苦的事啊~
我真的很佩服很佩服 ECC 的老师们..
她们真的付出了很多的爱心与耐心去教导他们.. 培训他们..
孩子们从一开始的空瓶子.. 变成了装着各式各样珠子的瓶子~
这些特别的孩子们... 真的很需要大家的帮助~
我很希望.. 在我有能力的情况下..
我很enjoy 当volunteer 去照顾他们~ ^^
固定的 volunteer去照顾同一个孩子.. 是非常重要的..

只是.. 我可以不麻烦到 老豆 去载我上上下下么? =s因为.. 一个fix 的教学方式.. 对他们来说.. 是必要的~
该怎么办才能不麻烦到老豆.. 且又可以去 volunteer 呢? =/

想想下.. 我.. 到底以后要往哪个方向发展呢?
好贪心.. 因为我什么都想要..
那样.. 我就可以知道.. 自己.. 到底最向往哪一个方向~ =)
但是.. 时间.. 好像所剩无几了.. >?<
救命 啊~~~

我可爱的老师们~ & 4 Interns~ <3

其实阿.. 最开心的.. 是我没怎么照顾过的孩子.. 竟然认得我!!
实在是开心到要疯了~ ^^v

ECC gambateh!!~

Friday, September 2, 2011


原来对你来说.. 我是幼稚的..
有时候.. 那也只是拿来对话而已..
但我却没想到.. 原来我们将近没话题可言的地步..
跟你说什么.. 我都变成了一个很幼稚的人..
最近.. 我发现.. 多数都是你在说你的故事..
可是.. 为什么我却觉得几把刀飞了过来?
为什么.. 我会觉得你在 蓝屎 我?
为什么.. 当你告诉我.. 那句话的时候.. 我觉得你是在幸灾乐祸呢?
你.. 又变了吗?
为什么 我觉得你说话前后矛盾呢?
你说 为什么你的他一定要你过去.. 不可以等他得空才来咩?... 才说不久.. 隔天.. 你就跑去找他了..
我.. 无言了..
你觉得.. 当母老虎知道后.. 她会比较反对你.. 还是会反对我?
我尊敬她.. 所以问她一声..
但在你眼里.. 我这样做.. 是愚蠢的..
我.. 还没长大哦?


难道诚实。。 也有错吗?
诚实。。 就同等笨蛋么??


真不明白。。 为什么你可以自认为了不起?
真不明白。。 为什么你会认为每个人都应该屈服于你?

Monday, August 29, 2011


有时候.. 我真的很想变成一个左耳听.. 右耳出.. 的人..
我害怕.. 当我习惯了这样时..
会变成一个连好的话.. 都没听进去..
那时.. 我就惨了..
还是老毛病.. 想太多了.. ==

有时候..听又不是.. 不听也不是..
以前.. 我的听觉是很灵敏的..
变成了一个连旁人说什么.. 我都听不到了..
因为习惯了不要听.. 结果.. 现在.. 要听.. 也难了..
就算有人在旁边跟我说话.. 我都听不到的..
也许这样说.. 很难以置信..

该听的.. 就没听到..
不该听的.. 就统统都听进去..


Thursday, August 11, 2011


假假的好。。 能耐多久?
你们两个。。 都是一个重男女朋友多过家人的人。。
怎么一律以同等的态度去对待每个人 会死么?!
我自己也有假假。。 但我所假假的东西是。。
就算多莫不爽。。 我都会假假不介意。。
就算多莫生气。。 都假假没生气。。
至少。。 我是真诚地对待每一个人。。

别人说你的不好。。 我却保护不到你?
你一生气。。 我就慌了? 还是应该说。。 无论谁生气。。 我都会慌?
就算吵了架。。 不爽。。 还是什么的。。 都无法 不 show 出来?
show 给对方知道就好了啊~
你知不知道 我到底在害怕些什么?
但是。。 show 出来。。 只会把一切变得更艰难。。 =((


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


你不知道。。 我会多么难做。。
你。。 是变了吗?
还是应该说。。 你本来都是酱。。
如果我说。。 你肯听吗??
如果我说了。。 你会生气吗?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

w.t.h. why? think? hell?

i think a lot.. yes i do..
since young i have been taught to think before i do anth..
bcz last time i used to do a thing first.. den oni think...
at the end..
i will kena watever consequences it might be..
kena cane.. kena scold like nobody's business ..
be the paku in the eyes of whoever he/she is..
i will think dam freakin lots b4 doin anth..
as a result.. i think too much?
so either way oso is not good?..
u tell me..
how oni is the best?
don think or think?
don tell me to think moderately.. i duno each person geh moderate level is kat mana!

u see.. whenever i think for other ppl..
i kena scold o bein said stupid o idiot..
when i don care..
i will be said as selfish..
so how ?

i will angry..
i do know wat is angry..
so don make me angry..
don tell me i don haf pi qi..
so.. i wun angry..
pls la.. im human oso k?
when u r too over.. i will angry..
but .. when i angry.. can someone at least pls take it seriously? >?<

i don understand y..
ppl seems like don respect me at all..
for example..
i took my lappy somewhr to fix it..
i talked to a person in charge tat help me wid it most of the time..
BUT.. he will still go n talk to my mom or sis to explain watever happen to my lappy..
dam it! the owner is here ok?!
u tell them.. they oso tak tau apa-apa punya la.. deng..
im not a small kid ok?!
altho not oni him will do tat..
many ppl normally will ignore me oso..
well... u can imagine..
when me n my sis together..
we go to a place together..
normally.. ppl will serve her n not me...
im not attractive.. i know..
and im even short!
so.. im not like a normal grown up girl...
so.. i will always be treated like a kiddo?
who say short is not a problem?
u wanna try to be me see see how will tat feel?
den oni u come n tell me short is nth..

be confident?
well.. i tried..
n im scare to be confident..

i haf no faith in myself..
i look down on myself.. tats y others will oso look down on me?

i worry too much? ..


Monday, July 11, 2011


烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦 烦
烦 烦 烦
烦 烦 烦
烦 烦 烦 烦 烦
烦 烦 烦
烦 烦

除了 烦。。 还是 烦。。

report 那边。。

fyp 那边。。
西北 大 问题。。
她认识我~ 我不认识它~

do sth tat interest me?
ahem.. wat i wanted to noe..
is sth cant be found in any journals on9 for free ..

i listened to my senior..
do sth tat i can get resources easily..

im chging to a topic tat is quite normal 到不行..
but im afraid tat my topic will clash wid precious senior o sth..
which i nid to go search for it at uni library nx sem?
too late le bah?!
week 1 nid pass up the proposal ad.. whr got such time to do tat?
except.. i go back kampar live for a month b4 uni starts..
possible? ==

i found many journals... but they were mostly irrelevant to my topic..
take them as references oso? T_T
im begging u.. my dear brain..
pls work sth DAM FREAKIN EASY out plzzz~

im dam nervous... ='(

Saturday, July 9, 2011

why why why??

在家里越久.. 越不开心..
越多约束.. 越不开心..

为什么没人惹你... 你也会在那边发脾气?
为什么你被责问 wrongly.. 他们却还会跟你说一声那是他们怪错了..?
我呢? 我不是人么?
怎么我被骂错了.. 被责怪错误..
都没人来向我道歉? 都没人帮我说话?
有事情的时候.. 就跟我投诉.. 问我这个那个..
没事的时候.. 就把我当作废的..
你那个 他妈的 宝贝儿子.. 怎样的烂态度跟你说话.. 都 mao 问题..
怎样凶你.. 也不会骂..
最多等到有事情发生了.. 才骂到好像要世界大战酱..
那样还不止.. 还害买其他人无辜受罪..

你那样gok hei..
结果本来高血压的你.. 更加向老人家般.. 血压高.. ==
我看到都想送你几拳!! wtF!!
偏偏.. 她还帮你骂他..
要是当时的对象是你的朋友.. 或.. 你的女友..

每当看到别人fat lan za..
尤其是那些为了无聊没用的原因 而 在那边 fat lan za 的..

你、她、他、她、他.. 都可以 fat lan za..
就只有我不可以 fat lan za?!?


Thursday, May 26, 2011


pk jz now.. nth much.. juz tat the big toes numb liao yi xia.. =="
juz stepped on the floor that was jz being mopped..
(it was quite wet.. got lil water/soap.. idk..)
and it gaf me a free "skate" .. = =
if i get to knock my head..
will i lost some memories?
can i throw some memories by tat way?
and oni remain those happie one's~
can i restart my brain?~
can i totally empty up my brain ?
so tat better info/memories can be inserted..?
nv fall b4.. mana will learn things rite?
but .. i really hate tat..
it really gave me a great phobia...
i stay away from sth.. sth oso stay away from me..
great.. wth.. =="
how u treat me.. i will treat u back the same way..
may be better.. or.. may be worst~
depends on how i feel...
when i care too much... i tend to lose sth..
when i do not wan to care much.. i probably goin to lose sth oso..
things juz don seems to stay wid me for long..
and .. im protecting myself from the feeling of losing sth? maybb..
no wonder i cant trust.. bcoz u cant trust either..
u don feel safe.. i don feel safe either..
u juz don trust tat i wun simply laii..
y don i juz simply laii? .. since.. thr's no trust oso..
wat's the difference?
things always being discussed over words..
but nth will b discussed when ftf..
i don understand y....
and it doesnt seems to be better from time to time...
wat's wrong wid me ?? i really dunno..
if i noe myself more.. mayb.. u will b able to understand more bt me..
but.. i don even noe myself..


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

so in ♥ ....

so in wid BROS' water bottles~ =þ
the 1st BROS water bottle tat i had is a bottle wid main wording of "FOCUS"..
it remind me to focus... focus ... n focus~ xD
whenever dreaming in class.. my fren would show me my bottle..
to ask me to be FOCUS!
and i will hug it to continue my class.. lolx..
instead of jotting down some notes..
i date wid my bottle in class.. xDD

♥ ♥ ♥

the reason i so in wid BROS' bottle is bcoz the water will never leak out when i simply throw it into my bag~ ^^
it is very frustratin to noe tat ur bag is wet.. bcoz of ur stupid bottle..

i got a 700ml BROS bottle..
and lately..
i added another family member.. that is of 1000ml geh~ hoho

i like to browse their website..
to look see look see..
and eventually..
those bottles attracted me to get them...
lolx.. (HOWEVER.. i haven buy them yet .. so far =s )

♥ ♥ ♥

share some bottles tat i think is pretty de wid u all bah~ ; )

tis one has a nice body shape~ xpp

tis one has my fav unicorn!~

tis one is the prettiest among its series~

and tis lil one.. is oni 350ml..
it's cute..
and i wanna get tis one..
so tat i can bring it out when i go shopping or anth~
it wouldnt b very heavy~
nice~ ^^

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


most guy.. oso so insensitive de o ?
signaling.. duno..
direct meanin.. duno..
hidden meanin.. sure duno..
den wat oni noe ? =="

do u noe tat.. sometimes.. u're quite/very a******g?
do u noe tat.. sometimes.. u made me quite/very fr********g?
do u noe tat.. sometimes.. u made me sp******ss?
do u noe tat.. sometimes.. u made me s*d?
do u noe tat.. sometimes.. u made me feel like killin myself?
do u noe tat.. sometimes.. u made me feel tat im a l***r ?
do u noe tat.. sometimes.. im lost.. i duno wat u wan.. i duno wat i wan..
it's dam freaking frustrated! bcoz u never wan to respond!
it's either.. "i duno wat to respond" .. "wat u expect me to say?" or "don wanna say liao" ..
running from reality?
don wanna solve them?
den continue argue bah liao..
or wait till one day.. when im tired of waiting.. u slowly argue wid urself oni..

i.. will feel tat im bad now.. bcoz u ad more rajin tis sem.. a bit..
n u prob will say tat i keep pressure u for nonsense..
o watever.. i really duno..
bcoz u lazy to say.. =="
how would u expect me to noe everyth?
o nth's actually is tat important izit ?
i .. really duno..

shld i start practicing back wat i used to b?..

a loner... ?

p.s: btw.. the msg that i posted to u ytd.. it was oni visible to u.. and nobody can sees it.. but u even lazy to reply o lazy to find out wat actually it was abt.. u doesnt care anymore.. are u?

fantastic.. im all alone wid questions tat will not haf answers..

and .. u prob wun see tis until duno when.. =/

Saturday, April 30, 2011

i dunno... duno dunooo.. dunnnoooo..

i dunno how to handle stress.. how m i goin to handle other ppl?
fyp.. hvn confirm my topic...
the lecturer in charge.. is new to fyp thingy..
shit lo?! liao lo?!
proposal format arhhh.. when can v noe ? ..
what topic shld i do now?.. >?<"
i cant find journal for the topic i want...
shld i juz do on death related stuff? o personality?..
sobz.. fan ah fan ah fan ah............
the person that i dont wanna get the most..
is in charge of my fyp thingy.. walao eh..
law of attraction eh? >?<
things that u don want the most.. will come to u..
oh greatttt.. =="

finals period now.. one paper down..
5 more to go.. tamade..
tis sem is making me go crazy...
i don wanna juz a pass.. i wanna a higher higher higher gradesSs~

* i wish i could.. T_T *

tis few days... bok sai lou meng dou youu dok sai koi ahh~~~
stress can make me do better i guess..
but it is DAM FREAKING torturing..
gratz to me! =____="

Friday, April 29, 2011

一点点.. 不开心..

一点点的浪漫.. 不会被嫌弃多余的..
有谁.. 会不喜欢浪漫? 可是.. 到底.. 什么是浪漫??

一点点的惊喜.. 不会费太多的力气..
没有惊喜.. 会是更大的惊喜.. 只是背后.. 多了个锤子.. 时时刻刻提醒自己.. 别妄想了..

一点点的改变.. 不会计较是否太慢..
只是在乎于.. 是否真心地在改..

一点点的体谅.. 难到很难给吗?
怎么会觉得.. 就算说了千万次.. 也没有一个人明白呢?

小小的一个动作.. 都会被发现.. 到底是正常还是.. 不正常..
但.. 那也是从前的事了..

小小的一个念头.. 都会被猜到.. 就算有时死都不肯认.. 但其实.. 那很惊喜..
但.. 那也是从前的事了..

小小的东西.. 都会被察觉.. 其实.. 那是很开心的事..
但.. 那也是从前的事了.. 时间久了.. 习惯了..

为什么.. 明明就是小事.. 但却不能冷静的解决?
明明可以开心地一起想办法.. 一起讨论.. 一起决定.. 但却变成了吵架的收场?
礼让.. 变成霸道.. 再变成当你没到..
尊重.. 跑去哪里了?

但.. 却都不会有真诚的答复..
想说.. 有什么好说的?
... ...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


再多的期望...也只会换来更大的失望… >﹏<
不好的时候超不好 ..
我.. 快疯了啦!!
别逼我做到 ..
只专心在学业上, 其他的.. 一律忽略掉! 的那种程度.. >ω<"


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


忙的时候.. 嫌时间少..
忙完过后.. 适应不来..
突变的状况.. 这个 sem 尝了许多..
见了许多.. 不同的一面..
看了许多.. 不曾看过的..
听了许多.. 不同的意见/看法..
试了许多.. 不曾尝试的..

[争吵.. 辩论.. 讨论.. ]
都算是沟通的方式.. 只是.. 用法不一样而已..
outcome 也会因此而不一样..
我不喜欢争吵.. 也不喜欢辩论..
有时.. 我会非常固执.. 有时.. 我会完全失去自己的坚定..
有时.. 无论我如何努力地去了解别人所说的.. 我都无法明白..
我需要的.. 是一个肯耐心地解释给我听的人..
好让我不会觉得自己是个废才.. 是个笨蛋.. 是个没用的人..
可惜.. 这种感觉一直都在..
可惜.. 没人能懂得这种感觉..
我很讨厌因此而 feel alienated..
我甚至.. 讨厌自己.. 生气自己..
几时.. 我所做的.. 会被肯定?

为什么.. 我会觉得.. 某名的寂寞?
为什么.. 我会觉得.. 某名的孤单?

为什么??? ...

Monday, March 14, 2011


近来几天。。 都是4 / 5 点才睡。。
也会因为担心 asgmnt 而睡不着。。 ==
赶啊赶。。 熬呀熬。。
剩下2 科 asgmnt 还没碰。。 >?<"

后天。。 一个 presentation~
大大后天 presentation + asgmnt due date~

之后嘛。。 就可以好好准备做 prom nite 的东东了。。
还有得完成 japanese asgmnt~ + presentation ~

还是别plan 比较好。。
plan 了多数会 fail 掉。。
plan 早点睡 或 睡多点比较好。。
那样。。我就可以做别的东东噜~ xDD

大家 がんばって 哦~ ^^

Sunday, February 20, 2011

gan jiong week~


thr's a huge list of things to do..

THIS week:
1 o 2 csl sessions to b recorded..
japanese Quiz 2~
pre abnormal psy mid term
asgmnt thingy~
treasure hunt activity report~

wat else wat else?? =s

FIND a place for internship A.S.A.P!!!
else GG liao!! >?<"
juz called to ask..
bcoz email seems doesnt help much..
i waited till neck long jor still no reply eh..
i really hope they will call me back..
faster call me back pls~
i wanted it very much~
i wish to learn psy practically thr~
plz grant me a chance mm goii~ ; (


Tuesday, February 1, 2011



was dam happie.. bcoz i got myself a cute princess fon~ ^^

was dam sad.. bcoz of my stupidity in recognizing roads.. i tot i can handle it.. but hu noeS.. i cant.. somethin im not familiar wid.. once didnt revise.. i'll forget for sure..

DAM! =(

was excited.. bcoz cny is coming soon.. but duno yyyy...
suddenly moody liao.. x [

was in pain.. bcoz duno wat i wan.. duno how to talk.. duno how to tell wat i wan.. say watever oso seems wrong.. do watever oso seems wrong.. im not confident tat wat i do is correct anymore..
all the while im not confident oso bahh.. so no diff.. x [

was worry bout FYP n industrial trainin..

feels like smashin my heart into pieces..
so tat i can never feel any pain anymore.. T_T

am tired........
as i hope thr will b a support for me..
but it seems thr's not..


Friday, January 28, 2011

i said i will nv tell anymore..

but i told..
bcoz i promised u b4..
to tell o not to tell?..
if tell.. i duno how to say..
if i don tell a single thing..
i will oni continue keep it..

yu ling u SUX!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

+ u lorh~


tis one is really very effective..
it's cheaper than Biore's one..
& can remove alot of blackheads one eh~
(in my opinion la~)
wondering got any other better ways not?~ =/
someone used it once den fell in luv wid it jor~

tis sem nid to learn Japanese jor~
luckily memorizeddd bit during the sem break~
else.. sure GG!

below is one ang mo ppl tat i gap quite long wid my bf..
honestly.. he is OLD.
he is dam leng zaii~
and he knew we gap him too~ =s
but hu cares~~~ xþ
y ang mo ppl wear coat so yeng one???~ @_@



eek.. tis sem is gonna be a super bz sem..
tough tough~ >?<"
add oil bahh everyONE!~ ^^


Sunday, January 16, 2011



today is my happie day~ ^^



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

hate me.

u juz don understand..
or u'll say it's me who don..
hate me den..
im stupid in dealing wid things..
u don wanna listen..
i wun tell u anymore.
if tat's wat u wan.
since tat's so fan..
i'll oni tell u good things den..
sry tat sharing wid u is a trouble to u..
im not gonna share anymore!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

photos from memory land~

the lil prince n princess in my hse..
have alot of toys..
alot till...........
can be used to sell to other ppl like wat toys shop selling~
tis is consider oni tiny part of the toys.. ==

my long lost din contact de cute fren~
miss the time when v share secret together~ =((
u got skip meals till gasrtic lagi ma? =/

low B stuff tat 3 gals did at kampar when over too bared..
erm.. last last yr?
lolx.. xDD
fav snack during lec/tutorial classes~
ngekk ngekk~
miss tis..
long time nv touch ad..
2 diff acc = me n my bro's acc.. xpp

tis will happen when u play wid crazy frenz.. =="
they were dam chi gekk..
mayb even sot sot deii..
look carefully at the LOWER part of the stack wooden thingy..
siao one.. play till so senget n cacat-ed..

found my chem report done durin sec..
i miss oni the time when we all can play wid the chemicals~
i saw tis fish~
and inside its mouth.. thr's another small lil fish~
i told someone excitedly..
but kena pour cold water..
i never see b4 ark~ >?<"
so ma happy till wan share lo..
lyk tat oso zZz..
tis is our lou yan ga in our group~
ngek ngekk~
rmb to pay us pocket $$ on time o~ xpp
2 siao ppl in my room..
i bet u duno i took tis~
all bz play own stuff.. =="

uncle nic cut till so short for the 1st time~
who ask u showed to me~ xpp
so called family photo.. =="
for fren's asgmnt..
lmao.. xD

seems lyk time passed so fast..
in a glimpse..
we are all getting older jor~
u all are getting older jor~ =pp

many things are different ad oso..
i wish..
everth is diff to a good side~~~
