Back to kampar's Life~ ^^

hmm.. tis is a nice bag tat i saw when gai gai wid my sis..
feel like bringin it home..
but then..
it will b an extra bag in my cupboard den.. @@
n it is not cheap lo.. ==

bought tis lil pouch home from Daiso~ hehe <3
first time bought things wid Philee~ hoho
we will sou gai alot if v go again nx time i think.. haha~
miss her now~ >?<

tadaaaa~!! my new baby in my home!
heard my mom said tat she sibeh cute now ad..
but still duno how to crawl ... yet..
she likes to play rough one..
n den she will laugh silly-ly~ lolx~

she very cute yi xia la~ ^^

yummy biscuit tat i love~ hoho <3

the sun LIGHT from the sky~
so nice~
but i duno how to capture this type geh photo one.. lolx
duno whether u can see it mao.. hehe

the internet line was so dam tis slow.. lolx

let me show u..
i haf to wait for 10hrs in order to dld one chap slides!! siao!!

my baobei tat acc me sleep~ hoho

view from my room~
got lake view one...... but far far away la.. ==

my lovely room~ hoho~

stupid speder eating the flying bug.. eww..
i hate spider!!
n i duno how they slip into my room!!!
one big one on top of my bed thr de ceiling ar!!
hmm.......... OVERALL~ i m happie here ~ ^^busy days is starting soon~ (shld say ad started bah?) gah yao la!! to hit my own goal!! hehe ^^v