get to off today...because got dentist appointment mar..haha...tml gotta work from 12-9 p.m...eek..
my primary friend thought i was bullied by my manager.. because my manager asked me to clean this wash that.. and the washing place is not in the is few doors away from my shop... is quite heavy to carry when the pail is filled with water...=x and i dunno when..i get scratches..lolz... i only knew that i get scratches...when touched water..XD zZz... she didnt order me to do this and that so much when the full-timer is there..haha.. manager is quite ok/normal... SOMETIMES...she is not...=.=" shhh...dont tell her ah..if not..I WILL BE DEAD...x_X (choi choi choi) i dunno whether want to stop working at the end of Feb or March how? how? the full-timer is leaving me alone there around end of feb..sobz..her name is Kathy anyway..she told me alot of things... and help me alot too..^^ i dont wanna be alone with my manager~~~ T.T scary~ =x by the way..i learnt new things there too saw different types of people! i was forced to speak english..(therefore, i became braver to speak english =] have to speak!~ bcoz almost all customers speak english...eek..) hehe..XD since my english is very poor.. then i can fix it there a bit luu..haha..good right?..=p
just hope that everything will go smoothly lar...^^ then i will be very happie le..
err...when spm result is coming out ya??? anyone can tell me?..when you guys know the time/date ma??? tanx tanx!~~~ ^^
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