但。。 这些始终都成了自己的习惯。。
习惯。。 到底好不好呢?有好,也有坏的时候。。
在一间习惯的家。。 却没有习惯的安全感。。 又有谁能够想象?
犹如住在火山边缘。。 时而平静;时而爆发。。
到底该不该远离火山呢? ( >?< )
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
problem? solved? yes. no.
it's been a long long longggg time didnt write here..
hmm.. recently have lotz of random thoughts in my head.. n it really caused me major headache like all the time.. sometimes, i know what im thinking abt.. sometimes, i don't! it is very very frustrating! = =
most headache that i got is from the problem of being jobless.. eek..
well.. i wanted a vacation or sth for a mth but nth really came out .. just bcz i planned to have a vacation tat's y it wouldnt happen gua.. no matter what i planned.. it will just failed to be accomplished!
b4 u work.. "don't be silly, u have no money n not even started to earn money.. how r u goin to enjoy? "
after u work.. "don't be silly, whr can u find such holidays for urself? u are nt the boss~ don even think abt a week of holidays......."
and think about this, even when u know what u want, or probably what u wanna study.. without a stable job.. how r u going to achieve that?
a job that u want/like/interested, might be a dam low income job..
a job that u need/not related to what u study, might be a dam high pay job..
so.. tell me.. how a normal human will make a decision on this?
when u go for low income job.. u wouldnt be able to afford urself to further study some more..
when u go for the high income job.. after u work for long term.. im afraid that i wouldnt want to study anymoreee.... !!
besides this.. i don wanna trouble anyone to bring me to work.. when i need to work at far far place.. i need to travel long long hours.. by public transports.. n not to mention that.. buses .. usually are not on time one.. it is a big disaster ok? another solution? stay outside.. well.. im not allowed to do so.. and the rental is so fcuking high ok?! i even heard.. a store room size that u can oni sleep n hardly move more in thr.. cost arnd RM5xx++ ok?! siao ar?! like that no need to work.. just rent room to other ppl oso can become a rich person ad.. = =
the BEST solution for me .. i think is to work for the job that i need first ... for now.
i have the best (considered the most suitable) work place, place to stay, income... etc in my mind already.. hope that i can get it like ASAP. work arnd 3 yrs.. den oni go for other things~ 8 )
when i have a job.. i will feel calmer.. n less tension.. however.. still depends on what job is that..eek..~
hmm.. recently have lotz of random thoughts in my head.. n it really caused me major headache like all the time.. sometimes, i know what im thinking abt.. sometimes, i don't! it is very very frustrating! = =
most headache that i got is from the problem of being jobless.. eek..
well.. i wanted a vacation or sth for a mth but nth really came out .. just bcz i planned to have a vacation tat's y it wouldnt happen gua.. no matter what i planned.. it will just failed to be accomplished!
b4 u work.. "don't be silly, u have no money n not even started to earn money.. how r u goin to enjoy? "
after u work.. "don't be silly, whr can u find such holidays for urself? u are nt the boss~ don even think abt a week of holidays......."
and think about this, even when u know what u want, or probably what u wanna study.. without a stable job.. how r u going to achieve that?
a job that u want/like/interested, might be a dam low income job..
a job that u need/not related to what u study, might be a dam high pay job..
so.. tell me.. how a normal human will make a decision on this?
when u go for low income job.. u wouldnt be able to afford urself to further study some more..
when u go for the high income job.. after u work for long term.. im afraid that i wouldnt want to study anymoreee.... !!
besides this.. i don wanna trouble anyone to bring me to work.. when i need to work at far far place.. i need to travel long long hours.. by public transports.. n not to mention that.. buses .. usually are not on time one.. it is a big disaster ok? another solution? stay outside.. well.. im not allowed to do so.. and the rental is so fcuking high ok?! i even heard.. a store room size that u can oni sleep n hardly move more in thr.. cost arnd RM5xx++ ok?! siao ar?! like that no need to work.. just rent room to other ppl oso can become a rich person ad.. = =
the BEST solution for me .. i think is to work for the job that i need first ... for now.
i have the best (considered the most suitable) work place, place to stay, income... etc in my mind already.. hope that i can get it like ASAP. work arnd 3 yrs.. den oni go for other things~ 8 )
when i have a job.. i will feel calmer.. n less tension.. however.. still depends on what job is that..eek..~
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
总是不知道自己为什么会无端端 哭..
也许是累了 想有个依靠安慰/安抚一下自己..
偏偏却又遇上不知情的木头.. >?<
希望今天起.. 一切顺利点~~ ~
有时 担心太多 也无济于事.. 只会把自己卷入不必要的烦恼中..
可是当有些东西没说出来.. 日子久了.. 就会形成不知何来的压力..
就算要说.. 我也不记得是什么了.. = =
就这样咯......... lolx.. >?<
wanna tell u alot of things.. wanna share wid u alot of things.. but v don haf much of the common time..
im afraid that one day.. i will left out watever thing that u shld have known but i didnt get to tell u..
im even more afraid that u will tell me that.. that's NOYB.. while i tell u excitedly or emo-ly like an idiot..
zZz... haiz..
when v both are also working.. will things get worst?
don tell me im thinking too much..
im afraid that i couldnt get use to it later..
tat's y i wanted to make myself get use to bz days first..
den only i can have chance/time to get use to other stuff.. >?<
idk idk idk la.... =_____=
*~ eNd ~*
也许是累了 想有个依靠安慰/安抚一下自己..
偏偏却又遇上不知情的木头.. >?<
希望今天起.. 一切顺利点~~ ~
有时 担心太多 也无济于事.. 只会把自己卷入不必要的烦恼中..
可是当有些东西没说出来.. 日子久了.. 就会形成不知何来的压力..
就算要说.. 我也不记得是什么了.. = =
就这样咯......... lolx.. >?<
wanna tell u alot of things.. wanna share wid u alot of things.. but v don haf much of the common time..
im afraid that one day.. i will left out watever thing that u shld have known but i didnt get to tell u..
im even more afraid that u will tell me that.. that's NOYB.. while i tell u excitedly or emo-ly like an idiot..
zZz... haiz..
when v both are also working.. will things get worst?
don tell me im thinking too much..
im afraid that i couldnt get use to it later..
tat's y i wanted to make myself get use to bz days first..
den only i can have chance/time to get use to other stuff.. >?<
idk idk idk la.... =_____=
*~ eNd ~*
Friday, May 25, 2012
希望快点找到工作吧~ 嘻嘻
毕业前,说真的我看到的,却是一些人的不成熟.. 自己自私,还要投诉别人自私,实在无言。 更无言的是, 有问题时却不敢去voice out 争取。 什么世界来的?尝试要去相信别人可以把事情办好,可是往往却会失望透底.. haiz 结果还得让女生解决,你们男生不会觉得羞耻吗? 回想当时, 你们都会笑自己吧? ~ 希望大家工作后会更会想、更会理直气壮地protect 自己对的东西.. 简的来说.. 祝大家成熟点呗~ 很想personally 告诉你们,可是你们不是像foundation 朋友那样能接受意见或批评.. 就算不是骂你们,你们都会觉得是被骂.. 所以呢,我才不要做笨蛋去亲自跟你们说~ 因为你们不可能会听 且接受的.. 连 要 开玩笑 zat 你们一下都不敢.. 太认真只会自己吃亏呀~ haiz..
回到家 , 结果还是一样烦 ~ 听多多投诉 这个不会想, 那个不会想.. zzz 该怎么帮他们 ? 讲 又不一定会听~ 听了 又不一定明白~ lolx ~
我, 越来越讨厌钱.. 它让人变了个样 ..
一旦一个人有钱.. 他/她 就会开始 "兰西" ..
一旦一个人有钱.. 他/她 就会开始嫌这个 不够好 嫌那个不够好~ 或许因为我还没真正踏入社会工作.. 但 也不必那样吧?
一旦一个人有钱.. 他/她 也许会认为.. 没什么 是得不到的.. (太异想天开了吧?) 没努力争取, 又怎么会能够拥有呢??~
feel like writing out a lot of things.. but i have no idea whr to start from... i need some place to throw out everyth.... >"< eek...
希望快点找到工作吧~ 嘻嘻
毕业前,说真的我看到的,却是一些人的不成熟.. 自己自私,还要投诉别人自私,实在无言。 更无言的是, 有问题时却不敢去voice out 争取。 什么世界来的?尝试要去相信别人可以把事情办好,可是往往却会失望透底.. haiz 结果还得让女生解决,你们男生不会觉得羞耻吗? 回想当时, 你们都会笑自己吧? ~ 希望大家工作后会更会想、更会理直气壮地protect 自己对的东西.. 简的来说.. 祝大家成熟点呗~ 很想personally 告诉你们,可是你们不是像foundation 朋友那样能接受意见或批评.. 就算不是骂你们,你们都会觉得是被骂.. 所以呢,我才不要做笨蛋去亲自跟你们说~ 因为你们不可能会听 且接受的.. 连 要 开玩笑 zat 你们一下都不敢.. 太认真只会自己吃亏呀~ haiz..
回到家 , 结果还是一样烦 ~ 听多多投诉 这个不会想, 那个不会想.. zzz 该怎么帮他们 ? 讲 又不一定会听~ 听了 又不一定明白~ lolx ~
我, 越来越讨厌钱.. 它让人变了个样 ..
一旦一个人有钱.. 他/她 就会开始 "兰西" ..
一旦一个人有钱.. 他/她 就会开始嫌这个 不够好 嫌那个不够好~ 或许因为我还没真正踏入社会工作.. 但 也不必那样吧?
一旦一个人有钱.. 他/她 也许会认为.. 没什么 是得不到的.. (太异想天开了吧?) 没努力争取, 又怎么会能够拥有呢??~
feel like writing out a lot of things.. but i have no idea whr to start from... i need some place to throw out everyth.... >"< eek...
Saturday, April 7, 2012
我有的脾气, 都是向你学会来的..
你发脾气的时候, 我静静在旁边让你发泄..
我生气的时候, 你却骂个不停..
可是? 我却依然被骂..
一个正常人, 都会心理不平衡了吧? = =
你说.. 你不是骂我的语气..
可是.. 听的人不是你自己.. 你怎么会帮我? 谁 又会帮我?
你知道吗? 这一切, 跟我在家里时的状况是一样的..
你, 就是她。
你, 宁愿骂我, 都不肯去了解我多一点..
你, 怎样都会对你的朋友 好声好气.. 可是 对我的时候 就总是没耐性.. 连对我解释多几次都不愿意..
那种滋味.. 是不会有人能够理解的..
连听我解释 都不肯..
hurt 字 没在你的字典里出现过么?
你常 怪我什么都不说..
可是.. 当我说了之后, 又怎样呢?
你不当一回事 , 跟我自己一个人哭 没差..
你说 我想法有问题..
但你总是 找不出那个问题来.. 只是 简单带过..
我们总是没办法好好地 解决掉它们..
你只是说, 我错了.. 到底什么错?
你错了.. 你有去问到底什么错吗? 怎样错法 ? 有吗?
有时我真的错了, 我知道..
有时你真的错了, 你知道吗? 不想认?
还是 只是懒得跟我说那么多?
你的朋友 叫你去哪里, 你马上多累都可以奉陪到底..
每次是怎样的? 不必我说你自己想。
说要带我出去.. 结果呢?
最后一分钟跟我说你们有节目.. so called 可能去而已..
结果呢? 都是一定会去的啊!
做东西.. 可不可以想前想后多一点?
你的朋友, 我就不可以骂, 不可以对他们不客气, 不可以不满意他们..
不单只得罪我朋友.. 还说他们怪..
难道.. 你的朋友就不怪吗?
你不喜欢我跟朋友去喝酒.. 那你陪我一起去呀~
可是.. 原来.. 你一点都不想和我去..
那你让我跟朋友去啊 ~
有女朋友跟着去的话, 很下衰么?
最多我以后都不跟你+ 你朋友一起去 clubbing!
看到你那个reluctant 的样子.. 好像我会 ying sui 你酱
本来我还蛮好奇.. 如果跟你们一起去的话会怎样..
可是.. 现在.. 我一点都不稀罕了..
费事 碍 到你们讲秘密 或什么的..
怎样讲 你都不会懂的.. =(
你要不要试试看 be in my position??
不是在一起久了.. 就可以take thgs for granted 的..
在家里.. 我一个人哭..
在这里.. 我依然一个人哭..
我有的脾气, 都是向你学会来的..
你发脾气的时候, 我静静在旁边让你发泄..
我生气的时候, 你却骂个不停..
可是? 我却依然被骂..
一个正常人, 都会心理不平衡了吧? = =
你说.. 你不是骂我的语气..
可是.. 听的人不是你自己.. 你怎么会帮我? 谁 又会帮我?
你知道吗? 这一切, 跟我在家里时的状况是一样的..
你, 就是她。
你, 宁愿骂我, 都不肯去了解我多一点..
你, 怎样都会对你的朋友 好声好气.. 可是 对我的时候 就总是没耐性.. 连对我解释多几次都不愿意..
那种滋味.. 是不会有人能够理解的..
连听我解释 都不肯..
hurt 字 没在你的字典里出现过么?
你常 怪我什么都不说..
可是.. 当我说了之后, 又怎样呢?
你不当一回事 , 跟我自己一个人哭 没差..
你说 我想法有问题..
但你总是 找不出那个问题来.. 只是 简单带过..
我们总是没办法好好地 解决掉它们..
你只是说, 我错了.. 到底什么错?
你错了.. 你有去问到底什么错吗? 怎样错法 ? 有吗?
有时我真的错了, 我知道..
有时你真的错了, 你知道吗? 不想认?
还是 只是懒得跟我说那么多?
你的朋友 叫你去哪里, 你马上多累都可以奉陪到底..
每次是怎样的? 不必我说你自己想。
说要带我出去.. 结果呢?
最后一分钟跟我说你们有节目.. so called 可能去而已..
结果呢? 都是一定会去的啊!
做东西.. 可不可以想前想后多一点?
你的朋友, 我就不可以骂, 不可以对他们不客气, 不可以不满意他们..
不单只得罪我朋友.. 还说他们怪..
难道.. 你的朋友就不怪吗?
你不喜欢我跟朋友去喝酒.. 那你陪我一起去呀~
可是.. 原来.. 你一点都不想和我去..
那你让我跟朋友去啊 ~
有女朋友跟着去的话, 很下衰么?
最多我以后都不跟你+ 你朋友一起去 clubbing!
看到你那个reluctant 的样子.. 好像我会 ying sui 你酱
本来我还蛮好奇.. 如果跟你们一起去的话会怎样..
可是.. 现在.. 我一点都不稀罕了..
费事 碍 到你们讲秘密 或什么的..
怎样讲 你都不会懂的.. =(
你要不要试试看 be in my position??
不是在一起久了.. 就可以take thgs for granted 的..
在家里.. 我一个人哭..
在这里.. 我依然一个人哭..
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
*Hada Labo*
i heard + see this brand geh skin care products many many times jor..
well.. i heard many ppl said it is not bad xia~
and i saw Xia Xue posted a review abt this product also~~ hehee
macam very good je~
thus~~ i plan to give this product a try soon~~ ngek ngekk
wait until my cleanser finish.. then imma buy some products from Hada Labo!! hehehe
but then hor.. it is dam pricey lor.. =(
hope it is suitable for me lar~ hohoho
my skin is so dryyyy...
i nid a toner so dam much nowwww~~~
my skin need to breathhh~~~ xDD
firstly, i shld buy the trial set siin bah?..
the 3 things in a box one..
hope it has discount by the time i wanna buy them~~ xp
den i will super happieeee~ ^^v
im so looking forward to try it soooooon~~~ ^_^
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
suX !
things tat i always wished not to happen.. happened.
den i should wished that.. don let me get 4.0 tis sem!
den i can get ad bah~~? huh? izit lyk tat?
what law of attraction is tis?
the more i don wan.. the more it happens!!
i m dam piss off !!
u noe wat is angry?
u noe wat is disappointed???
im so fcuking worry here ..
bcz i myself is a dam reliant person..
all no idea person being together.. will become wat?
ppl ad said don wan together.. still go together wid them..
i really duno wat will happen..
lata anth happen.. i really no eye see..
im so fcuking nervous, worry, tired and worry still..
keep seeing them doin the wrong thg..
still need to do work wid them..
don tell me no need to worry tis time..
im fainting soon ad..
i really really don wan tis decision..
ta nai nai de..
do wat oso haf to care bt ppl's feeling.. wat abt mine?
i really don like don like don like don like don likeeeeeeeee....
continue say wan chg anth sure end up in argument..
let me see improvements den i will stop complainin!
i don lyk at the end haf to complain bhind ppl and cant complain in their face!
tat sux !!
i really don like don like don like don like don likeeeeeeeee....
continue say wan chg anth sure end up in argument..
let me see improvements den i will stop complainin!
i don lyk at the end haf to complain bhind ppl and cant complain in their face!
tat sux !!
Friday, January 27, 2012
睡前 没个 晚安.. 总是有点难睡..
看是看得多.. 听反而少之又少~ =p
现在.. 也就来被念了~ ~ ~
那时候.. 已经是下个星期了.. 哇哈哈哈~~!!xþ
这个新年.. 还过得蛮充实地~
初 1 , 2, 3 .. 都是跟家人一起~
初 四~ 就向了3 个朋友拜年~
其中一个.. 还是我很久很久没见了 的朋友tim~
总之是见到老朋友.. 我就一定会 开心到暴~ ^^
闷了几天.. 终于今天 (其实已经是昨天了~ ) 做了一件我一直想做的事~
那就是 meet wid 傻婆 梁尤燕 ~ 哇哈哈~
失去联络那么久的小学好朋友 竟然可以照样疯狂地谈笑~
真是难得难得~ =D
新的一年! 好的开始!
红包 拿来~~~~~ xD
看是看得多.. 听反而少之又少~ =p
现在.. 也就来被念了~ ~ ~
那时候.. 已经是下个星期了.. 哇哈哈哈~~!!xþ
这个新年.. 还过得蛮充实地~
初 1 , 2, 3 .. 都是跟家人一起~
初 四~ 就向了3 个朋友拜年~
其中一个.. 还是我很久很久没见了 的朋友tim~
总之是见到老朋友.. 我就一定会 开心到暴~ ^^
闷了几天.. 终于今天 (其实已经是昨天了~ ) 做了一件我一直想做的事~
那就是 meet wid 傻婆 梁尤燕 ~ 哇哈哈~
失去联络那么久的小学好朋友 竟然可以照样疯狂地谈笑~
真是难得难得~ =D
新的一年! 好的开始!
红包 拿来~~~~~ xD
Friday, January 6, 2012
my whole body is trembling..
keep feel like vomiting..
and i duno wat m i doing..
stuck wid comp.. building castle in the air..
widsom tooth is distubing me again..
and everything seems not right..
worry this worry that..
but none solution is being created..
the whole journey is like rocky roads..
n i duno whether u will walk along with me patiently or not...
thr are always alternatives.. but nobody will listen o even care to noe abt them...
keep feel like vomiting..
and i duno wat m i doing..
stuck wid comp.. building castle in the air..
widsom tooth is distubing me again..
and everything seems not right..
worry this worry that..
but none solution is being created..
the whole journey is like rocky roads..
n i duno whether u will walk along with me patiently or not...
thr are always alternatives.. but nobody will listen o even care to noe abt them...
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