it's final time again liaoooooo...
i duno how to control the stress...>?<
plz allow me to learn things faster~ easier~ and and..
let me b cleverer~~ xDD
time to study le~
gambateh everyone~
f5 buddies.. wait for me to back KL!!
ad one year din meet liao..!! T_T
i slept alot..
but still..
feel like sleeping.. =="
how come a ?
final ~ 5 5 gone.. den my holiday le~ ^^ ♥
*~ yu ~*
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
pic of 1day trip~

i think it was not for sale one..
else.. it ad wun be thr liao..
wahaha.. xDD

all queuing to play scissors, paper & stone ~
lose liao den nid to go to the back and line up again to "fight"~

keep cut queue one.. >?<"

too lil pic i guess..
bcoz kept play n gap things~
Sunday, April 18, 2010
1 day trip~ ^^
*17th april 2010*
a one day trip organized by my psychology course~
i went to perak society for the promotion of mental health.. which is also called half way? =x i not sure bt that.. sorry.. >?<
erm.. that was the 1st place we went.. it is an NGO..
we were told that.. the residents thr..
are recovered or cured n get out of the mental hospital already one..
but their family couldnt affort to take care of them..
or they got no place to head to..
den they will stay in thr..
some of them.. their daily expenses is being paid by their family one.. =]]
hmm.. they nid to take their med 3 times per day.. @@ oh my..
that's to prevent them from relapse..
basically..they look just lyk normal people..
some are not la.. but still.. most of them looks normal..
honestly.. when the person in charge was briefing us..
i was dam sleepy.. bcoz the nite b4 i din had enuf sleep.. @@
paiseh la.. but i still got try my best to listen wat she said.. haha xpp
im energetic again when walking arnd to visit here n thr.. xDD
the people thr.. they were taught how to make handicrafts..
for example how to paint the clay stuff, make cloth dolls, knitting stuff.. etc etc..
den they will sell them after that..
at least they get to learn sth to earn for their living on their own ~ ^^
not bad rite??~
thr was a person.. she was paintin the clay stuff.. it was painted carefully..
n some of the clay tabung over thr were very nice too..
thus.. all the tabung-sSs were fully sapu by our coursemates~ lolz!!
RM8 each..
i lyk the little angel that ah Thye bought~
it was super beautiful! keke..
tiny & beautiful~
it was still in purely white clay.. bcoz it was not painted yet..
but nvm la.. it looks nice still~ ♥
hmm.. de only thing tat made me kinda scare was..
when i heard a person was screaming over thr..
i couldnt see whr izit.. who? or wat happen..
i just heard that.. not oni me who heard the screaming..
everyone over thr oso heard the same thing..
i was thinking.. wat would i do if it happens in front of me?
can i handle o face that in the future?
the person screamed lyk she couldnt get wat she wants..
o mayb throwing things? fatt lan za lyk tat?
i really duno.. =/
ga yao bahh to me~ and also to us~ ^^
the person in charge also told us that..
if the residents thr fight o in the state that they cant control..
den they will send the particular residents to the mental hospital..
hmm..a psychologist haf to b empathy n not sympathy..
how?? see them.. den will feel pitiful for them..
as they will be bullied out thr..
o mayb will be harmed by others..
o even bein treated unfairly..
so??.. wat shld we do? or how shld we do?.. =/
this is juz the very beginning of everyth...
be thankful for how v are now ~
as.. we are a lot 幸福 a.k.a more bahagia than them..
do not bully them! or discriminate or label them as ppl wid mental prob~
"curing is caring" is their cogan kata~
caring is sharing too btw~
so.. show some caring to them bahh~ ; )
the next destination that we went to is.. Salvation Army Boys Home~
it is an orphanage.. males ONLY~
the age range over thr is from 6 yrs old to upper six..
that wat i know..
hmm.. it's quite weird wid the way how we started to communicate wid them..
ice breaking session.. den dance.. den play..
well.. the most fun part was the time when all playing together luu..
all kids love to play.. haha..
except those older boys.. they seems reluctant to join in to play together.. =/
during the play time.. den oni all join together to play.. haha..
the kids played until very erm.. active? gan-jiong-ly? haha..
keep cut line to get to play.. lolz.. (kids marr~)
normal lahh~
when we young.. we oso lyk tat de bahh.. rite? xpp
most of the kids thr are chinese..
except for few of them are indians..
but they can speak Cantonese one k? haha..
"jie jie, i go drink water a while ok?" (in cantonese)
haha.. so cute~
appreciate while we are having our both parents~
the kids over thr don even haf a parents to care, to love or to scold them..
i wanna learn how to deal wid people better ~ ^^
wish me luck~ n wish me to be braver..
so that i dare to approach people i don know..
to help them~ under a safe condition o environment of coz.. keke..
and.. i feel that.. if we wan to help out o offers help...
we must have enuf energy and well-rested..
if not..
the helping process will become less effective..
gambateh!! ^^
*~ yu ~*
a one day trip organized by my psychology course~
i went to perak society for the promotion of mental health.. which is also called half way? =x i not sure bt that.. sorry.. >?<
erm.. that was the 1st place we went.. it is an NGO..
we were told that.. the residents thr..
are recovered or cured n get out of the mental hospital already one..
but their family couldnt affort to take care of them..
or they got no place to head to..
den they will stay in thr..
some of them.. their daily expenses is being paid by their family one.. =]]
hmm.. they nid to take their med 3 times per day.. @@ oh my..
that's to prevent them from relapse..
basically..they look just lyk normal people..
some are not la.. but still.. most of them looks normal..
honestly.. when the person in charge was briefing us..
i was dam sleepy.. bcoz the nite b4 i din had enuf sleep.. @@
paiseh la.. but i still got try my best to listen wat she said.. haha xpp
im energetic again when walking arnd to visit here n thr.. xDD
the people thr.. they were taught how to make handicrafts..
for example how to paint the clay stuff, make cloth dolls, knitting stuff.. etc etc..
den they will sell them after that..
at least they get to learn sth to earn for their living on their own ~ ^^
not bad rite??~
thr was a person.. she was paintin the clay stuff.. it was painted carefully..
n some of the clay tabung over thr were very nice too..
thus.. all the tabung-sSs were fully sapu by our coursemates~ lolz!!
RM8 each..
i lyk the little angel that ah Thye bought~
it was super beautiful! keke..
tiny & beautiful~
it was still in purely white clay.. bcoz it was not painted yet..
but nvm la.. it looks nice still~ ♥
hmm.. de only thing tat made me kinda scare was..
when i heard a person was screaming over thr..
i couldnt see whr izit.. who? or wat happen..
i just heard that.. not oni me who heard the screaming..
everyone over thr oso heard the same thing..
i was thinking.. wat would i do if it happens in front of me?
can i handle o face that in the future?
the person screamed lyk she couldnt get wat she wants..
o mayb throwing things? fatt lan za lyk tat?
i really duno.. =/
ga yao bahh to me~ and also to us~ ^^
the person in charge also told us that..
if the residents thr fight o in the state that they cant control..
den they will send the particular residents to the mental hospital..
hmm..a psychologist haf to b empathy n not sympathy..
how?? see them.. den will feel pitiful for them..
as they will be bullied out thr..
o mayb will be harmed by others..
o even bein treated unfairly..
so??.. wat shld we do? or how shld we do?.. =/
this is juz the very beginning of everyth...
be thankful for how v are now ~
as.. we are a lot 幸福 a.k.a more bahagia than them..
do not bully them! or discriminate or label them as ppl wid mental prob~
"curing is caring" is their cogan kata~
caring is sharing too btw~
so.. show some caring to them bahh~ ; )
the next destination that we went to is.. Salvation Army Boys Home~
it is an orphanage.. males ONLY~
the age range over thr is from 6 yrs old to upper six..
that wat i know..
hmm.. it's quite weird wid the way how we started to communicate wid them..
ice breaking session.. den dance.. den play..
well.. the most fun part was the time when all playing together luu..
all kids love to play.. haha..
except those older boys.. they seems reluctant to join in to play together.. =/
during the play time.. den oni all join together to play.. haha..
the kids played until very erm.. active? gan-jiong-ly? haha..
keep cut line to get to play.. lolz.. (kids marr~)
normal lahh~
when we young.. we oso lyk tat de bahh.. rite? xpp
most of the kids thr are chinese..
except for few of them are indians..
but they can speak Cantonese one k? haha..
"jie jie, i go drink water a while ok?" (in cantonese)
haha.. so cute~
appreciate while we are having our both parents~
the kids over thr don even haf a parents to care, to love or to scold them..
i wanna learn how to deal wid people better ~ ^^
wish me luck~ n wish me to be braver..
so that i dare to approach people i don know..
to help them~ under a safe condition o environment of coz.. keke..
and.. i feel that.. if we wan to help out o offers help...
we must have enuf energy and well-rested..
if not..
the helping process will become less effective..
gambateh!! ^^
last but not least..
17th is my hsemate's ---> ling wei's bday~
happie belated burfday again in my belated post yea~ ; )
17th is my hsemate's ---> ling wei's bday~
happie belated burfday again in my belated post yea~ ; )
*~ yu ~*
Monday, April 12, 2010
here's an "interesting" story..
spend some time to read it.. IF u're interested..
and.. u may ignore it if u're not interested.. ^^
once upon a time.. thr was a kns guy.. ahemm..
(thr's no point calling him as a"gentlemen" as.. he is not gentleman at ALL.. =D)
his mouth not oni bein used as a tool to eat..
he oso use it to talk without using his brain..
as the result.. he always speak along wid the needles n poke thru ppl's heart..
get it zao get it la ha.. don get it den sorry la..
i duno how to explain.. xpp
even if he use his brain..
i think.. he oso duno how to speak in a humanistic way geh lo..
the way he talk lan ci anot.. depends on how u see n talk wid him lo..
observe by ur own self ba liao~
it was the same person i mentioned in my blog b4..
the men-sia-sui-kan guys' face geh ppl..
tat was last sem's case.. lol
everyone worth a second chance.. BUT.. not for his case..
gif him 2nd chance oso haf to curi laugh ad..
tot lesser interaction.. den he will at least respect ppl more n talk nicely tim..
wo pei! * opps~ xpp
my "nicely" term.. is refering to.. at least.. b4 talk sth..
think for others too..not only for urself.. ^^ get dao?..
i don think he will get dao wor..bcoz he can nv learned from his lesson..
so.. it's kinda useless to go n 苦口婆心地劝告such a 烂人 。。 ^^
oh ya.. im refering to tat "烂人" tat i mentioned b4 wor~
if.. u haf presentation 2 days after..
and ur leader only asked u to do the slides today..
and the deadline to complete the slide would b tml..
how would u feel? shuang ma?
wat's the point of asking when can i complete the slides since thr's oni one day left for me to complete it?!
why don u juz gif me the time n date straight away nehh ?! *use ur blain use ur blain
asked y so last minute?.. he replied "i bz ma.."..
bz den dai sai hor?..
i don haf my own thing to do ma ?
"i tot it would b very easy to finish ma.."
easy?.. den y don u do urself? ==!!
don talk sh*t plz..
wat if sth happen in btween?
wat if i got more important things to deal wid ?
whr will haf the enuf time to complete it den?
well.. thr is 2 days in btween b4 presentation.. but.. such ppl wan rehearsal o sth one day b4 mer.. so.. so.. oni haf one day to complete it lo..
and.. altho i oni find points to write inside.. no nid deco..
but den.. i nid to reread the whole report to do whole slides eh..
no nid time one hor?!..
ok fine.. nvm..juz do it ba liao..
den after tat.. one day b4 presentation..
he told us to go his hse to rehearse n discuss bt the presentation after 40mins..
hello! u tot the whole world will reserve the time for u kah?!
duno how to inform earlier one izit?!
tis is consider last minute oni inform ppl ba?? rite rite?
i ma asked mai y so last min again lo..
den get such a replied..
"wat last min? u shud tml is the presentation rite? n u expect me to reserve the time for u oni? i haf 3 presentations tis week n haf to do slides.. plz b mindful.. bla bla bla.."
fyi, he said he haf dance practice at nite.. so.. cant rehearsal for presentation at nite...
n fyi, normally he will ask us to rehearsal at nite.. thus.. i oni expected rehearsal at nite time..
due to the fact tat.. he din inform earlier.. i went to Beautiful Gate Educational Centre For The Disabled tat afternoon..
and so ngam.. the time clash wid the time he wanna rehearsal wor..
how to b at 2 diff place at the same time?..
so far.. get dao?
well.. if u.. urself mindful enuf.. den y don u juz cancel ur dance practice?..
since.. u will oni haf to perform 3 days after our presentation?..
n since u said.. u everyday oso haf to practice.. one day don go wil die?
i don blif u will so cha sui lo.. one day din go den tak blh d hor?
go bang wall ba liao.. no no.. go jump lake ba liao!
eee?.. too near here liao wor..
better go jump sea.. o longkang..
the further the BETTER~~~ ^^
said his time very pack wid practices n slides wa..
den ask me to be empathy wa..
plz la.. u ma as well haf to learn how to be empathy to ppl 1st !!
i oso did slides til late mid nite lor..
is how u treat ppl.. den oni i will talk to u in such a way..
tat's y i told u wat goes arnd, wat comes arnd..
but u don get it... haha!
said how i replied made him pek chek wa.. great~ ^^
ppl said "ok" to u.. is juz to fu yim u oni ah so zaii..
u tot ppl like to zao u ahh?
siam far far la u..
u tot u who o?..
well.. i wanted so much to tell him tat..
do u noe tat.. actually...
many ppl don like u??~~~ ^^
shud b sayin.. most ppl DONT like u~
bcoz u're 烂人 + wid dam annoying attitude..
see him once den feel like slappin him once..
but my frenz ask me to not to waste time on him..
n most importantly is.. thr's no need to dirty my hands bcoz of him~ ^^
i angry wid his dam sucky attitude..
n i so soo soooo very much don like to talk to him..
selfish guy .. zezeze
shame on u~
a lot suii yeh bt u..
ppl hu duno u ma tot u okok person lo..
F off my way ~
i would b super happy if u vanish from my sight~ ^^
truths' hurt.. n u don like to listen..
so.. go ahead n live in ur own kns world n cont wid ur kns behavior/attitude..
even tell u oso no point..
bcoz u will nv learn to chg into a better person..
sim hoii dit bah u !
*~ eNd ~*
spend some time to read it.. IF u're interested..
and.. u may ignore it if u're not interested.. ^^
once upon a time.. thr was a kns guy.. ahemm..
(thr's no point calling him as a"gentlemen" as.. he is not gentleman at ALL.. =D)
his mouth not oni bein used as a tool to eat..
he oso use it to talk without using his brain..
as the result.. he always speak along wid the needles n poke thru ppl's heart..
get it zao get it la ha.. don get it den sorry la..
i duno how to explain.. xpp
even if he use his brain..
i think.. he oso duno how to speak in a humanistic way geh lo..
the way he talk lan ci anot.. depends on how u see n talk wid him lo..
observe by ur own self ba liao~
it was the same person i mentioned in my blog b4..
the men-sia-sui-kan guys' face geh ppl..
tat was last sem's case.. lol
everyone worth a second chance.. BUT.. not for his case..
gif him 2nd chance oso haf to curi laugh ad..
tot lesser interaction.. den he will at least respect ppl more n talk nicely tim..
wo pei! * opps~ xpp
my "nicely" term.. is refering to.. at least.. b4 talk sth..
think for others too..not only for urself.. ^^ get dao?..
i don think he will get dao wor..bcoz he can nv learned from his lesson..
so.. it's kinda useless to go n 苦口婆心地劝告such a 烂人 。。 ^^
oh ya.. im refering to tat "烂人" tat i mentioned b4 wor~
if.. u haf presentation 2 days after..
and ur leader only asked u to do the slides today..
and the deadline to complete the slide would b tml..
how would u feel? shuang ma?
wat's the point of asking when can i complete the slides since thr's oni one day left for me to complete it?!
why don u juz gif me the time n date straight away nehh ?! *use ur blain use ur blain
asked y so last minute?.. he replied "i bz ma.."..
bz den dai sai hor?..
i don haf my own thing to do ma ?
"i tot it would b very easy to finish ma.."
easy?.. den y don u do urself? ==!!
don talk sh*t plz..
wat if sth happen in btween?
wat if i got more important things to deal wid ?
whr will haf the enuf time to complete it den?
well.. thr is 2 days in btween b4 presentation.. but.. such ppl wan rehearsal o sth one day b4 mer.. so.. so.. oni haf one day to complete it lo..
and.. altho i oni find points to write inside.. no nid deco..
but den.. i nid to reread the whole report to do whole slides eh..
no nid time one hor?!..
ok fine.. nvm..juz do it ba liao..
den after tat.. one day b4 presentation..
he told us to go his hse to rehearse n discuss bt the presentation after 40mins..
hello! u tot the whole world will reserve the time for u kah?!
duno how to inform earlier one izit?!
tis is consider last minute oni inform ppl ba?? rite rite?
i ma asked mai y so last min again lo..
den get such a replied..
"wat last min? u shud tml is the presentation rite? n u expect me to reserve the time for u oni? i haf 3 presentations tis week n haf to do slides.. plz b mindful.. bla bla bla.."
fyi, he said he haf dance practice at nite.. so.. cant rehearsal for presentation at nite...
n fyi, normally he will ask us to rehearsal at nite.. thus.. i oni expected rehearsal at nite time..
due to the fact tat.. he din inform earlier.. i went to Beautiful Gate Educational Centre For The Disabled tat afternoon..
and so ngam.. the time clash wid the time he wanna rehearsal wor..
how to b at 2 diff place at the same time?..
so far.. get dao?
well.. if u.. urself mindful enuf.. den y don u juz cancel ur dance practice?..
since.. u will oni haf to perform 3 days after our presentation?..
n since u said.. u everyday oso haf to practice.. one day don go wil die?
i don blif u will so cha sui lo.. one day din go den tak blh d hor?
go bang wall ba liao.. no no.. go jump lake ba liao!
eee?.. too near here liao wor..
better go jump sea.. o longkang..
the further the BETTER~~~ ^^
said his time very pack wid practices n slides wa..
den ask me to be empathy wa..
plz la.. u ma as well haf to learn how to be empathy to ppl 1st !!
i oso did slides til late mid nite lor..
is how u treat ppl.. den oni i will talk to u in such a way..
tat's y i told u wat goes arnd, wat comes arnd..
but u don get it... haha!
said how i replied made him pek chek wa.. great~ ^^
ppl said "ok" to u.. is juz to fu yim u oni ah so zaii..
u tot ppl like to zao u ahh?
siam far far la u..
u tot u who o?..
well.. i wanted so much to tell him tat..
do u noe tat.. actually...
many ppl don like u??~~~ ^^
shud b sayin.. most ppl DONT like u~
bcoz u're 烂人 + wid dam annoying attitude..
see him once den feel like slappin him once..
but my frenz ask me to not to waste time on him..
n most importantly is.. thr's no need to dirty my hands bcoz of him~ ^^
i angry wid his dam sucky attitude..
n i so soo soooo very much don like to talk to him..
selfish guy .. zezeze
shame on u~
a lot suii yeh bt u..
ppl hu duno u ma tot u okok person lo..
F off my way ~
i would b super happy if u vanish from my sight~ ^^
truths' hurt.. n u don like to listen..
so.. go ahead n live in ur own kns world n cont wid ur kns behavior/attitude..
even tell u oso no point..
bcoz u will nv learn to chg into a better person..
sim hoii dit bah u !
*~ eNd ~*
Sunday, April 11, 2010
你不知道。。 你问似轻松的问题。。
对我来说。。 却是多么的。。 err.. 压力?不知如何是好?
说真的。。 我怎样都不懂要怎么去面对它。。
它。。 对我来说。。
所以。。 我也不懂我最后会做出什么心脏病的决定。。
你该不知道。。 也无法想象。。
那个恐惧感。。 你是无法想像的。。
那个。。 也算是个期限吧?
不可以就是不可以~ =)
*~ 陵 ~*
对我来说。。 却是多么的。。 err.. 压力?不知如何是好?
说真的。。 我怎样都不懂要怎么去面对它。。
它。。 对我来说。。
所以。。 我也不懂我最后会做出什么心脏病的决定。。
你该不知道。。 也无法想象。。
那个恐惧感。。 你是无法想像的。。
那个。。 也算是个期限吧?
不可以就是不可以~ =)
*~ 陵 ~*
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
im pisssssed off!!
i m pissed off wid one shitty fellow!!!
after tml.. den no nid to care that suckiest guy i ever met!!
get the F off my sight!!
no face to gif another time jor..
tot wat u oso right ma rite?den go ahead!!!
continue b ur own suckiest guy in the world~
continue men-sia-sui-kan guy de face~
u might as well b dump into the garbage bin by other guys~
or mayb the garbage bin oso don wan u.. bcoz u suckxxx till nobody.. nowhr wanna let u stay!!
sim hoii dit la!!
after tml.. den no nid to care that suckiest guy i ever met!!
get the F off my sight!!
no face to gif another time jor..
tot wat u oso right ma rite?den go ahead!!!
continue b ur own suckiest guy in the world~
continue men-sia-sui-kan guy de face~
u might as well b dump into the garbage bin by other guys~
or mayb the garbage bin oso don wan u.. bcoz u suckxxx till nobody.. nowhr wanna let u stay!!
sim hoii dit la!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
这个情景。。 我只在金宝看过。。
乌云黑到。。 。。 。。 >?<
大概是在7-8pm 之间拍的。。
fyi, 我的电话没flash light.. thus,根本拍不出什么。。
haiz.. 觉得有点浪费。。 eek

时间还蛮早。。 所以比较清楚。。 呱~ lolz
很明显。。 乌云已密布~

有乌云。。 是好事。。
代表回到家。。不会酱热。。 lol
anyway.. 我还是比较喜欢看蓝天白云~

至于。。 这样的一天。。

曾经。。 觉得。。
每当拥有一个快乐。。 也会有几个不快乐找上门来。。
原来这个 fact 由始自终。。
*~ 毕 ~*
乌云黑到。。 。。 。。 >?<
大概是在7-8pm 之间拍的。。
fyi, 我的电话没flash light.. thus,根本拍不出什么。。
haiz.. 觉得有点浪费。。 eek

时间还蛮早。。 所以比较清楚。。 呱~ lolz
很明显。。 乌云已密布~

有乌云。。 是好事。。
代表回到家。。不会酱热。。 lol
anyway.. 我还是比较喜欢看蓝天白云~

至于。。 这样的一天。。

曾经。。 觉得。。
每当拥有一个快乐。。 也会有几个不快乐找上门来。。
原来这个 fact 由始自终。。
*~ 毕 ~*
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