today is the worst day of my life.. yesterday about 11.45p.m., my dad came home.. suddenly i heard noises from the outside of my house.. i put down everything on my hand and rush outside.. OMG! an idiot dog + stupid dog was attacking my dog!!! arg~!! my dad tried to chase that dog away with a stick by wacking his backside.. but he still bitting my dog..even more kejam!!! =.=" i dont know why is he doing that to my dog.. (btw idiot dog=male, my dog=female) when i heard my dad said.. oh no..i think..she's dead.. WHAT?! NOOOOO!!! i cried like hell..zzz.. my cousin said cry does not show that we are weak.. only as a way to express our emotions.. o.O? ya meh? wo de xin hen luan ar...T.T but after dat i saw her standing up.. okay..she's still alive.. =) but hurt everywhere.. got blood!!! T.T the dog is so strong until able to hurt her so much.. i feel like slapping the dog!.. @= *abish*
*pray for her pls~ T.T i want her to be healthy again..i want her to run here and there again!!!*
dear God,
don't take her away from me please?!
she's the best!!
kindest and most obedient dog in the world!!!
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