tis is not good..
but.. thr is not enuf energy for me to continue.. =/
im sad..
and i don like the feeling of unable to do anth..
whenever think of "sun zhi"..
my mood will drop from the highest point into a big hole!!
why the heck do we nid to learn 孙子兵法?!
i don mind to learn it.. IF AND ONLY IF thr is a good better best lecturer!!
thr is no other lecturer that cant teach tat subject ad izit?!
why let him teach us??!
can u imagine..
someone is talking to u for two hours per week..
by direct translating the chinese words into english?!
it's dam torturing u noe?
some more.. the way he explain.. is juz bulat bulat from slides..
mayb im stupid and slow to direct translate back wat he is talking abt..
but.. but... BUT.. i really jip sao mm dou lor! >?<"
kill me ba liao..
i did paid full attention to wat he was teaching..
but then.. tat really cant work..
i tried again.. but??.. failed!!
especially when he was showing the movie clip o watever..
it's hard for me to catch wat the movie abt..
i wonder how those students (who do not know how to read chinese words or those non chinese) are going to understand the movie clip.. =="
it's in mandarin conver.. without the eng subtitle..
waliao ehh..
someone.. pls save me from this torturing
monday is the mid term for sun zhi..
and i really duno how easy tat will be..
according to him.. he said v can score all correct one la..
let's see how i die for it.. zZz
the kanasai asgmnt not even started yet..
im so dam gan jiong..
mayb i shld try the way..
by telling myself..
" segalanya baik " xDD
i learnt this from a movie --> "3 idiot"
it's a nice indian movie..
haha.. go watch it if u haf the time to do so~
it's meaningful~^^
one of the thing tat the main actor is doin was..
learning for wat he wanted to learn..
and not learning to get the best grades..
he was a genius in that movie..
so.. i cant follow like wat he did..
i only can study hard.. in order to learn wat i wanna learn...
and also "sun bian" score to hit my target..
tat's all.. =/
im half disappointed wid my asgmnt tis time..
i cant blif it..
i jip sao mm dou oso..
prove to me that u are not this careless most of the time..
show me that u are doin it seriously..
or else.. i do not wan this kind of work..
i do not wan groupmate tat do not accept suggestions..
don take wat u're not competent in and do it..
tat will juz ruin the whole thing..
u can try to do it.. even u do not know how..
by learning how to do it..
by asking ppl how to do it..
by improving the way how u deal wid it!
when i get frustrated and stressed up..
i could hardly calm myself down..
i couldnt do my work properly..
i'll even fatt lan za..
better stay away from me tat time..
oni one ppl will noe i sth wrong bahh..
at the end haf to help me zap dao meii tim.. lolz
tQ!! heheeee... xpp
b4 this.. i tot .. this time.. i do not finish my asgmnt last min anymore..
but hu knows?..
the fact is..
i finished my own part..
but den.. others not yet..
at the end?..
they rush till late late..
i gan jiong till late late.. =="
and the story does not end thr..
the outcome..?
thr's alot of errors.. and dam messy.. zZz
if din zap dao meii..
i think..
the asgmnt can be thrown into the dustbin jorr..
i continue to stress as if we were rushing it last min again..
tat feeling sux.. =(
i hope i'll b energetic again!!
i wanna complete tis sem without any regrets..
i hope.... =s
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