What Tang Yu Ling Means |
![]() You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. |
Thursday, March 27, 2008
curi from sie lein's blog..xp
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
tagged by sie lein...
Your 5 impressions of him/her:
1) wood~ lolz (when juz knew him)
2) clever..but lazy..=p
3) always late to skool~ XD
4) friendly
5) kind + good heart-ed =)
Most memorable things he/she has done for u:
erm...cant remember..=x don haf gua...
The most memorable words he/she said to u:
"ni shi zui hao de peng you..." haha... i noe i noe...wakaka...XD *perasan*
If he/she becomes ur lover, u will:
i will feel like im a dwarf!...bcoz i very short..=x and he is very tall + skinny..=p
If he/she becomes ur enemy, the reason will be:
he killed my family and chased away all my frenz...lolz... he wouldnt do tat to me de la..hahaha... rite rite??? ^^
Pass the quiz to 10 ppl that u wish to know how they feel about u:
1) yan ping
2) zi yang
3) li ying
4) xiao von
5) sie lein
6) yen hsian
7) keng onn
8) katherine
9) sue ping
10) michelle
Who is no.7 having a relationship with?
dunno wor..=x
Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
she is still single i think...
If no.9 and no.1 are together, will it be a good thing?
haha!..of course..it's not a good thing...bcoz both are gals~
What about no.1 and no.5?
dunno...ask the God..=þ
What is no.3 studying?
not sure.. (okasan..don kill me..=x)
When was the last time u chatted with no.6?
last week...
Does no.4 work?
no...she is studyin...=)
Does no.8 have any cousin(s) in his/her skool?
dunno..not sure..=x
Will u woo no.8?
of coz no..o.O she's a gal~
How about no.5?
he is my best frenz~ ^^ nop...(btw...i don woo ppl de...)
Does no.2 have any siblings?
yep..he has a brother and a sister..if im not mistaken...=x
How did u get to know about no.3?
she is jung hao's fren...i knew jung hao..den i knew her!~ ^^
No. 4?
3A5...we were in the same class..but seldom talk to each other..and then when we were in the same class again durin form 4..we talked alot!~ XD
Where does no.1 live at?
puchong~ address...dunno...(yan ping, u memorize ur address le mar? =x)
How did u get to know no.2?
ping pong club...
Is no.5 the sexiest person in the world?
lolz...what u think?...he is as thin as the bamboo stick..=þ
Your 5 impressions of him/her:
1) wood~ lolz (when juz knew him)
2) clever..but lazy..=p
3) always late to skool~ XD
4) friendly
5) kind + good heart-ed =)
Most memorable things he/she has done for u:
erm...cant remember..=x don haf gua...
The most memorable words he/she said to u:
"ni shi zui hao de peng you..." haha... i noe i noe...wakaka...XD *perasan*
If he/she becomes ur lover, u will:
i will feel like im a dwarf!...bcoz i very short..=x and he is very tall + skinny..=p
If he/she becomes ur enemy, the reason will be:
he killed my family and chased away all my frenz...lolz... he wouldnt do tat to me de la..hahaha... rite rite??? ^^
Pass the quiz to 10 ppl that u wish to know how they feel about u:
1) yan ping
2) zi yang
3) li ying
4) xiao von
5) sie lein
6) yen hsian
7) keng onn
8) katherine
9) sue ping
10) michelle
Who is no.7 having a relationship with?
dunno wor..=x
Who is no.9 having a relationship with?
she is still single i think...
If no.9 and no.1 are together, will it be a good thing?
haha!..of course..it's not a good thing...bcoz both are gals~
What about no.1 and no.5?
dunno...ask the God..=þ
What is no.3 studying?
not sure.. (okasan..don kill me..=x)
When was the last time u chatted with no.6?
last week...
Does no.4 work?
no...she is studyin...=)
Does no.8 have any cousin(s) in his/her skool?
dunno..not sure..=x
Will u woo no.8?
of coz no..o.O she's a gal~
How about no.5?
he is my best frenz~ ^^ nop...(btw...i don woo ppl de...)
Does no.2 have any siblings?
yep..he has a brother and a sister..if im not mistaken...=x
How did u get to know about no.3?
she is jung hao's fren...i knew jung hao..den i knew her!~ ^^
No. 4?
3A5...we were in the same class..but seldom talk to each other..and then when we were in the same class again durin form 4..we talked alot!~ XD
Where does no.1 live at?
puchong~ address...dunno...(yan ping, u memorize ur address le mar? =x)
How did u get to know no.2?
ping pong club...
Is no.5 the sexiest person in the world?
lolz...what u think?...he is as thin as the bamboo stick..=þ
Saturday, March 22, 2008
~* 20th of march *~
"eh..he is quite leng zhai lar.."
"no,he is very leng zhai~"
when we go to the same place again..
the "guai lou" was still there...
then chia lit said...
"wan go take pic wid him mar?"
"ask him help us to take photo lar.."
"..and den ask him whether can take picture wid us o not lor.."
we didnt take any picture wid him...
just took a picture OF him reading story book..
they belanja me food + drink...
a very healthy drink~!!! honey dew juice...
the girl said guarantee tak ada add sugar and tak ada add water...
really very nice lar...
and then...
we went to kim gary in Avenue K to have our dinner... around 5.30p.m...
i had a baked cheese rice wid salmon + a cute squid~
i love salmon~~~ =D
just when my food is served...
i saw the number on our table is "90"...
our birth-year...
so ngam one...=þ
i remembered kee cynn did something very funny...
when we were ordering food... *secret*
cant tell out without her permission...
when think about it...
i start laughing again!~

i went to KLCC wid kee cynn and chia lit...
really thank them alot...
and also thank another fren for fetching me to KLCC...=)
because they helped me celebrate my burfday~ ^^
it's to celebrate my belated burfday and also like a reunion gatherin...haha...=)
we walked around and chat and gila abit...and swt alot too...=.="
we saw a "guai lou" in the park there..then we were like..really thank them alot...
and also thank another fren for fetching me to KLCC...=)
because they helped me celebrate my burfday~ ^^
it's to celebrate my belated burfday and also like a reunion gatherin...haha...=)
we walked around and chat and gila abit...and swt alot too...=.="
"eh..he is quite leng zhai lar.."
"no,he is very leng zhai~"
when we go to the same place again..
the "guai lou" was still there...
then chia lit said...
"wan go take pic wid him mar?"
"ask him help us to take photo lar.."
"..and den ask him whether can take picture wid us o not lor.."
we didnt take any picture wid him...
just took a picture OF him reading story book..
they belanja me food + drink...
a very healthy drink~!!! honey dew juice...
the girl said guarantee tak ada add sugar and tak ada add water...
really very nice lar...
and then...
we went to kim gary in Avenue K to have our dinner... around 5.30p.m...
i had a baked cheese rice wid salmon + a cute squid~
i love salmon~~~ =D
just when my food is served...
i saw the number on our table is "90"...
our birth-year...
so ngam one...=þ
i remembered kee cynn did something very funny...
when we were ordering food... *secret*
cant tell out without her permission...
when think about it...
i start laughing again!~
the honey dew juice~ ^^
thanks alot guys~
hugs~ ^^
hugs~ ^^
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
bad day...T.T
why bad???...
hmm...i had fever leh~!! @___@
so sad..
this is the 2nd time i kena fever...really kena lottery lor...
some more at this time!!! T.T
so sad...
and then...
i was explaining something to my ex-manager...
but i think i said things in a wrong way!
as the result...
she misunderstood...
and angry liao...T.T
sh!t lo...
see...i really suck in explainin things!..
i better shut up ba...=(
after all...
not all bad things la..
at least i finally passed my drivin test~!!
but not goin to drive so soon lar...=x
not only other ppl will scare..
even myself oso scare leh...~___~
but i still feel that today is an unlucky day for me...T.T
and im quite fan today...
hmm...i had fever leh~!! @___@
so sad..
this is the 2nd time i kena fever...really kena lottery lor...
some more at this time!!! T.T
so sad...
and then...
i was explaining something to my ex-manager...
but i think i said things in a wrong way!
as the result...
she misunderstood...
and angry liao...T.T
sh!t lo...
see...i really suck in explainin things!..
i better shut up ba...=(
after all...
not all bad things la..
at least i finally passed my drivin test~!!
but not goin to drive so soon lar...=x
not only other ppl will scare..
even myself oso scare leh...~___~
but i still feel that today is an unlucky day for me...T.T
and im quite fan today...
Monday, March 17, 2008
haha...long time din see me update my blog liao leh...hehe..XD miss me??? =p
hmm..for your information...i quit-ed my job last friday...=x at 1st the reason is...i wanna go to college liao...but then..after i calculated the cost + fees and all those thing...i decided to not to go help university d...it is so expensive~~~ +__+ beh tahan...and so...i became jobless lor...my dad asked me to stop working oso..hehe..bcoz i will haf a longer working period in the future...therefore..he asked me to rest 1st luu...haha..XD as i will have a little bit problem on my study fees...i choose to study in utar..it is the most economic solution le...beside form 6...erm...if i really study in utar...den i will have to study one year of foundation in pj...den after tat..i will study my degree in kampar, ipoh, perak...for 3 years...=x eek..i scare i couldnt stand bein alone at a stranger place...but anyhow..i have to learn how to berdikari oso..cannot depends on my parents all the while ma rite???...i haven make sure whr am i goin to study yet...but most probably is at utar liao...T.T
i long time din look see look see at other fren's blogsss le...kinda outdated i guess..=.=" i will be quite not free on mon and tues...urm...so... i will go and explore u guys de blog lata k???... ^^ have to gib me some time...or else i will become like tis...--->@____@? hahax..XD
hmm..for your information...i quit-ed my job last friday...=x at 1st the reason is...i wanna go to college liao...but then..after i calculated the cost + fees and all those thing...i decided to not to go help university d...it is so expensive~~~ +__+ beh tahan...and so...i became jobless lor...my dad asked me to stop working oso..hehe..bcoz i will haf a longer working period in the future...therefore..he asked me to rest 1st luu...haha..XD as i will have a little bit problem on my study fees...i choose to study in utar..it is the most economic solution le...beside form 6...erm...if i really study in utar...den i will have to study one year of foundation in pj...den after tat..i will study my degree in kampar, ipoh, perak...for 3 years...=x eek..i scare i couldnt stand bein alone at a stranger place...but anyhow..i have to learn how to berdikari oso..cannot depends on my parents all the while ma rite???...i haven make sure whr am i goin to study yet...but most probably is at utar liao...T.T
i long time din look see look see at other fren's blogsss le...kinda outdated i guess..=.=" i will be quite not free on mon and tues...urm...so... i will go and explore u guys de blog lata k???... ^^ have to gib me some time...or else i will become like tis...--->@____@? hahax..XD
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